Friday, 16 August 2019

July 1 - Leaving Kopan and seeing old friends

July 1 Day 137
         As we said myriad goodbyes, a monk let me know that someone called Rajan was looking for us.  We had called him that morning over one of the worst phone lines I've ever heard at the monastery but he said he'd come and meet us and there he was!  The last time we saw him was in 2012 when the city was on strike and he walked more than an hour across town to say goodbye and drop off some drawings the students had  made for us.  Here he was again, many more grey hairs but still recognizable!
         Back in 2012 we volunteered with the Danielle Foundation, which was running a school for young underprivileged children to give them an educational start and give their parents time so that they could work during the day.  Rajan and Chhodah were with the organization then and both were still with it now, though the profile has shifted.  Now they give financial assistance so that low income families can send their children to a private school to give them more of an education than they would received at the public schools in Nepal
         We were dropped off at the school just as the youngest of them were being picked up by parents.  They had a big yard and there was lots of excitement with kids running around behind a fence and being escorted by their parents.  We met the principal, who was resplendent in traditional Nepali garments and a lot of the other staff.  Chooda then showed up, looking just as he did 7 years ago.  He was still laughing and having fun with everything but the recent passing away of his mother meant he was more somber than usual.  We put our bags down and felt properly welcomed there.
         We crossed the alley to see the large space where the older student shad classes.  Everyone was preparing for a big test that was coming up and so many were dismissed early and others were having preparatory classes rather than their regular ones.  The students all welcomed us and smiled for pictures as if they were used to foreigners interrupting their studies.  The classrooms were small and a little cage-like with barred windows but the class size was 15 and under so they would all get a lot of teacher time.
         We quickly met all the staff and were offered lunch but went for cold drinks instead, having eaten at Kopan.  We discussed the workings of the school and the project and then moved to Chooda and Rajan's offices nearby.  Rajan kept suggesting we were tired and wanted to head back but then Chooda would start talking about their work and get onto another story.  One room in the office was filled with school supplies for the upcoming term and we looked at some old photos and found out what the staff we met in 2012 was doing now.  It was so great to see them, their work and the kids after all of this time.
         They got a cab for us and were talking to people along the street as we walked to the taxi stand, obviously well known in the neighbourhood.  They were paving the road we were walking on but most of the others we drove on were slow and rough until we got back to Thamel.
         Our hotel was ready for us and we had a "suite", which was a room like the one we had but on a higher floor and with a safe and fridge.  We caught up in some work, rested and then headed out to meet some of our Kopan friends at a local restaurant.
         There were only 8 seats available at the chosen restaurant, which was hot and small.  We felt bad about leaving then as one of our group had damaged some concrete that was setting there (in her defense, it wasn't well condoned off.)  The restaurant beside it was big and empty and scored well on Google ratings, so we went in there.  They created a room for us and kept expanding it as more people showed up.  We were trapped in a corner and had to crawl through a window to the room behind us to get in and out of our spaces.  We must have been 40 and a noisy group too.  The restaurant had a buy 2 get one free special on beer and wine so we all made a point of drinking too much after not having a drop for 10 days.  Someone found a guitar and congratulated us on our anniversary with Resam Piriri but we stepped aside for the acoustic version of Wanted Dead or Alive.  The food was good except Meg got someone else's pasta, which was laced with bacon.  A really fun night.
         We walked around for a bit and the younger members tried to convince us to go clubbing with them but it was late and we were wiped.  They apparently stayed out until 5 so it was probably for the best that we didn't join them.  Back in our own room we happily collapsed.
Visiting one of their classrooms.

Meg entertains kids waiting to be picked up.

Properly welcomed with our hosts.

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