Monday, 28 January 2019

We're off again, woohoo!

We’re about ready to travel again and so we’re resurrecting our blog!  I see that last time we got just over a month into our year-long trip before the postings stopped.  Hopefully we’ll do better this time, but no promises!

Our basic 6-month itinerary is Columbia, Chile/Argentina, Easter Island, Tahiti, Australia, Indonesia, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka, North Korea (maybe), South Korea, Japan, Canada.

Everything past Tahiti is flexible, we’d love to meet up with fellow travellers so let us know if you want to meet up along our route or if we can change ours to see you!
Can you pick out Meg and I from this group?

Everest base camp, Tibetan side!

At this point we are reminded how many roots we have put down in our daily lives that need to be dealt with before we can escape for any length of time.  Shots and insurance need to be taken care of.  House, car, cat, and services all need to be dealt with and they don’t always work out easily.  As I write this, we still haven’t rented out our house (6-month lease and furnished are both drawbacks) and are living in a kind of flux as half of our belongings are in storage.  When we returned last time, we thought we’d purge so many of our possessions as we’d lived without them just fine for a year.  Having a basement with shelving does mean that ones fills it up with stuff that you hope will be of some use in the distant future.  It’s a good thing I’m on leave as dealing with all of this and working at the same time would suck!

Anyway, please let us know if you’re travelling near us and we’ll make an effort to keep the blog in better shape this time around.