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Meg orates at our going away party. |
Of course, we haven’t gone anywhere exotic yet. It’s just that we’ve encouraged so many people to check out our blog, and it’s been a pretty sad one so far. Will this entry improve it? Hmmm…
So far: Toronto was hideous. Packing is one of the most annoying things to do, even if we left all of the large furniture in the house. 40 + degree temperatures did not improve the situation, as by mid-afternoon any make-work project that involved spending time in the basement was quickly taken up. The work being done on the house added to the chaos, as at one point while packing, the termite sprayers were digging around the house, we were having our front door fixed, the deck building company was cleaning our backyard, our cleaning lady was visiting and a realtor was trying to show the place to a prospective renter. Too busy. You can see photos of our going away party, an oasis of sanity amongst all other preparations. Meg decided to force mixed drinks upon everyone in a bid to empty our liquor cabinet. It kept her far too busy but nicely lubricated the guests. At one point I tried to get myself a glass of white wine only to find that the bottle held tequila, dangerous stuff indeed. The party went far too long, people enjoyed themselves too much but at least we weren’t thinking about boxes and closets for a few hours. Thanks to everyone who came as it definitely bolstered our sanity.
Red tape: Chinese Visas must be obtained in Ontario, Visa doesn’t insure campervans, OHIP expires after 6 months without specific paperwork, renting a furnished house is difficult. Also, perennially going to bed with dozens of jobs unfinished is a recipe for waking up at 3 am making list after list in your head, not good.
What was good was finally leaving the city. Not too much construction on the highways and a fine collection of books on CD thanks to the library kept us going smoothly. Our friends Maeve and Dave welcomed us to Montreal with roast chicken and fries, much enjoyed. Their two cherubic boys get more coherent with each visit but alas, no pictures. Next stop Florenceville with a relaxing stop at my brother’s and the purchase of a sock creature from my nephew.
On to Saint John, far too much down time and home-cooked food (all good). PEI was next, relaxing but the beach was so swarmed with jellyfish that swimming was impossible. They floated off on our last day there, but the steady rain was not swimming conducive. Much reading, relaxing and visiting of family went on. Lobsters were eaten. The way back involves visiting friends in Montreal and Kemptville before two frantic days in Toronto finalizing everything before leaving the city August 3.
One of thousands of jellyfish. |
The beach in PEI. |
The conversation: so often repeated that we’ve taken to telling people that we’re just travelling for a little while so we that don’t have to repeat every detail. Yes, we’re off until next July (Meg must be at her desk the morning of the 10th). First we’re in BC visiting Meg’s side of the family, hopefully some hiking and outdoor activities will ensue. Then we have six days in Hawaii. We’re on the big island in Hilo and Kona. Volcanoes National Park sounds amazing with much swimming, snorkeling and hiking will be done. Next, we have about 3 weeks in New Zealand. This is one of the few countries that will not let you in unless you have a departure ticket and visa for your next country, so we had to set an exit date. We’ve booked a sleepervan for most of the duration to give us a place to sleep off the beaten track. Apparently they’re common down there. Also, with the rugby World Cup going on, vacancies in urban hotels are few and prices are nuts. Next is Australia, with no exit ticket required we’ve got lots of time there and only a few sketchy plans so far. Guide books for these first three non-Canadian destinations are at hand and will be required reading on our many plane trips (the one to NZ lands 2 days after it takes off!).
After that, China, India, Thailand, Laos, Nepal, Cambodia, a Serengeti African country, and probably Turkey are on the list with many maybes along the way. We’re still paring our stuff down but plan to get around with a backpack and carry-on bag each. Tips and hints are always welcome and future posts will probably be more eventful (but not too eventful, we have no interest in being caught living in ‘interesting times.”)
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Lotsa fun at the party! |